Mayoral candidates open offices, greet voters

January 8, 2011 (CHICAGO)

Gery Chico opened five field offices, including on one on the Northwest Side. He told supporters that the offices will help him spread his message of better schools, more jobs, and safer streets to all parts of the city. His campaign's headquarters are downtown. The new locations include offices in the city's heavily Latino Pilsen and Little Village neighborhoods.

Another candidate, Miguel Del Valle, opened his South Side field office Saturday. The city clerk said the office is part of his 50-Ward campaign and will help him build a citywide coalition of supporters. His campaign's headquarters are on the city's West Side.

Rahm Emanuel campaigned Saturday, as well, with a Democratic member of congress. Emanuel, a former congressman, was joined by North Side and north suburban U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky as they greeted voters in a North Side restaurant.

Emanuel's headquarters are downtown. His campaign recently opened three other field offices including on the city's South and North sides.

Among other candidates in the race for Chicago mayor is Carol Moseley Braun. She has several campaign offices, all on the city's South Side.

Moseley Braun will join other major candidates in a live debate on ABC7 just five days before voters go to the polls. ABC7 and key Chicago community organizations are teaming up for the forum, which airs Thursday, February 17 at 7 p.m. live from Chicago's historic Oriental Theatre.

(The Associated Press contributed to this report.)

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