3 CPD officers injured in police car crash

November 28, 2012 (CHICAGO)

All three officers were transported to local hospitals with non-threatening life injuries, police say. They have been identified as Police Officers Brian McVey, 35, who fractured his hip; Jameka Sherrod, 30, who injured her arm; and Dwayne McGee, 36, who is being checked out. McGee was discharged from Stroger Hospital late Wednesday afternoon.

They are all members of the gang unit.

Witnesses say the officer's car was headed south on Stony Island when the driver swerved as another car came from the west.

"He veered, and then he veered back again, clipped the tail end of the car, which through him off course. At the speed he was going, eh could not do anything else but veer," Meori Giles said. "He hit the light pole. After they light pole, they hit the second light pole. That's why the driver door is bent up."

Witnesses say the police car had its sirens and lights on before the crash.

The responding ambulances were escorted by police vehicles; two officers went to Northwestern Memorial Hospital, the other to Stroger Hospital. Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy visited the officers.

"One of the officers has at least a fractured hip and they're X-raying the rest of that side of his body," Supt. McCarthy said. "We thought the driver had a broken arm. She does not. They are controlling her pain now. The likelihood is she is going to be released."

Supt. McCarthy said all three officers were wearing seatbelts, which he believes kept their injuries from being worse.

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