Richton Park band prepares for Olympics

RICHTON PARK, Ill. High expectations are generating high energy with every rehearsal of the Rich South High School Band. This summer they will be in Beijing, China to perform at the Olympics.

"I think this is the greatest thing that every happened to me and the band and the district and the school...this is once in a life time and this is great," said Brandi Dishmon, band member.

The 65-musician band will be the only group to represent the state of Illinois at the Olympic event.

"The first thing that ran through my mind was, 'Wow. I didn't know anybody heard us.' They know we're out here now," said Lee Roy Pearson III, band member.

Being in the band involves more than just making music. Members must maintain a 'B' average in their studies. However, most of them are 'A' students.

"We are here every morning at 6:45. It's just unbelievable. This is just one of many opportunities to come for this band. (I'm) very blessed to be of service to these kids," said Y.L. Douglas Jr., band director.

To finance the China trip, a series of fundraisers are being held to raise $200,000 in travel money.

"Like most of the other band members, I'm really excited to see the Great Wall of China. And, I can't wait to play for the summer Olympics because it's just… wow," said Joy Fergerson, band member.

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