Police search for home invasion suspects

10-year-old girl runs to police station
COUNTRY CLUB HILLS, Ill. Police say the three masked, armed men rang a doorbell at a home on Park Lane late Tuesday night and asked where the drugs were kept. The homeowner said they didn't know and the men forced their way inside and began searching for drugs.

"Three armed males with masks had rung the door bell and asked where the drugs were. The homeowner, a female who was there at the time, said she didn't know what they were talking about," said Wanda Comein, Country Club Hills Police Department.

While the men were there, a renter came home with her 10-year-old daughter. The girl saw the men and ran away. It was initially thought she may have been kidnapped but the girl later turned up at the police station.

"That takes a lot of guts to do that. As soon as she got in here she found her way to the police station," said Kenneth Walker, a neighbor whose daughter is friends with the 10-year-old girl.

"You have to teach your kids to be safe and where to go when things are bad and they told her if anything should happen, where to go. So that's amazing," said Anitra Fouch, neighbor.

Police say the men specifically targeted the house. Those who live there say they got the wrong house.

"This was specifically targeted, looking for something in that house but drug dealers aren't particularly that smart so they may have gotten the wrong house," said Wanda Comein, Comm. Relations Country Club Hills.

No one was injured in the home invasion.

Residents say they have noticed an increase in crime as the mortgage mess has led to more and more vacant homes. They say unknown investors are swooping in and turning family homes into more transient rental properties where neighbors no longer know neighbors.

"I would like to believe they got the benefit of the doubt but it could have been my house. I may not have upgraded my alarm to deal with the higher crime that's now coming," said Walker.

The suspects apparently stole a car to make their getaway. That vehicle is a white Chevy impala with Illinois plates. The license plate number is X461018.

Police say they do not have any previous reports of drug activity at the house, but they still searched the home. They did not find anything.

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