StreetWise gives new chances to struggling

"To me its fun. I get to meet new people I wouldn't otherwise get to meet and intertwine in their lives and that," said Moretti.

Moretti is focusing himself these days on improving his life and helping others.

The mission of StreetWise is to help people help themselves to self-sufficiency through gainful employment, and that's what Moretti is all about. After five hours selling StreetWise, Moretti heads to his room in a single room occupancy hotel where he works at his business of fixing computers.

"I want to be more useful, make myself feel more useful. I started working on my friends' computers here and there, and everyone kept saying you should start a business," said Moretti.

Michael Speer is executive director and publisher of the weekly newspaper, which is sold by Chicago's poor and homeless.

"What Jack has done is he's used the money he makes from StreetWise not only to put a roof over his head, but he's gone ahead and started building his computer business. He has put himself through school, that's everything I really want the vendors to do," said Speer.

A former Marine who volunteered for three and a half tours in Vietnam, Moretti once built custom motorcycles.

"I feel very proud because I know I started. I went to StreetWise, I had three pennies in my pocket this is where I'm at now. I'm grateful for everything I get. That's why I try to put a little sunshine in everybody else's life," said Moretti.

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