Midway ranks worst in on-time departures

December 7, 2010 (CHICAGO)

A study released by the Research and Innovative Technology Administration Bureau of Transportation Statistics indicates Chicago's Midway Airport has the worst rate of on-time departures out of the nation's 29 major airports.

In October, only 67.06 percent of planes departing from Midway Airport were on time. At Chicago's other airport, O'Hare International Airport, 85.48 percent of planes departed on time. O'Hare ranks 11th in the study. The best: Houston's Bush Airport, where departures are on time 91.44 percent.

While Midway didn't come in last in on-time arrivals in October, the South Side airport was third from the bottom. Midway came in 23rd with 80.30 percent of flights arriving on time. O'Hare was eighth with 86.31 percent. Once again, Houston came in on top with 91.42 percent of on-time flight arrivals. The worst was Newark.

According the BTS, Midway's October performance is no surprise. The airport has had the worst ranking in on-time departures for the first 10 months of 2010. Only 71.86 percent of flights have departed on time so far in 2010.

Airline On-Time Arrival Rankings for October 2010

1.Hawaiian 95.42
2 AirTran 90.43
3 United 89.90
4 Alaska 88.08
5 Mesa 87.91
6 Continental 87.51
7 Frontier 86.99
8 ExpressJet 86.81
9 Pinnacle 86.70
10 American Eagle 86.46
11 American 86.34
12 US Airways 84.05
13 SkyWest 83.01
14 Delta 82.86
15 Atlantic Southeast 80.70
16 Comair 78.03
17 Southwest 77.50
18 JetBlue 76.73
All Airlines 83.77
Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics, bts.gov

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