Quinn addresses 85 clemency petitions

December 23, 2010 These and earlier actions by Quinn are helping to clear what he calls a "massive backlog" that had exceeded 2,500 cases. The backlog accumulated under former governor Rod Blagojevich.

The 85 petitions Quinn acted on Thursday date back to the January 2004 docket.

All those granted clemency have undergone criminal background checks.

With clemency, a governor can grant a pardon, commute a sentence, or expunge a conviction.

Quinn has acted on 895 clemency petitions since he took office in January 2009, granting 371 and denying 524.

He has granted 362 pardons and has authorized eight people who had already received pardons to seek expungement of their convictions. Quinn has granted one commutation.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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