The collision took place around 8:15 a.m. Tuesday at the intersection of Austin and Sunnyside in Jefferson Park. It involved two cars, one of which struck a pole at the corner.
According to the Chicago Fire Department, two minors were transported to Children's Memorial Hospital in serious to critical condition. Four others were taken to Lutheran General Hospital where two victims died. Initial reports indicate as many as five of the six may be minors.
The fire department responded with an EMS Plan 1, sending six ambulances to the scene. A witness said one man had to be cut out of one of the vehicles.
At the intersection where the crash happened, there is no stop sign for drivers north or south but there are stop signs on Sunnyside. People who live nearby say drivers often treat those stops signs as a yield. According to residents, it has long been a problem, though at this time what led to the crash is under investigation.
"We heard the screeching brakes for about five seconds, no longer, and then two crashes, bang, bang. I came out, saw the bad accident and went in to call 911. Within about 20 seconds I was calling 911 and they said the ambulances, fire department was on the way," said Lois Tortorelli, witness.
"No one ever stops. It is a rolling stop sign and I'm sure that that happens on every corner in this neighborhood," said Susan Fox-Larkin, neighborhood resident.
CTA says the #91 Austin bus has been rerouted as police continue their investigation.