Back to School: Online, in school bullying
* Bullying Warning Signs:
* child is withdrawn, depressed, low self esteem, avoids school, coming home with missing or "lost" items
* How to handle bullying:
* Open the lines of communication with your child; provide a safe place for them to talk
* Prepare for start of school by talking to your child about the problem and understanding the school policy
* Agree that you will help your child with the problem without "making it worse".
* Don't try to fight your child's battles, instead come up ideas together that he or she thinks might work
* Ask the school to keep your conversation private to avoid retribution directed at your child
• * If the bullying doesn't stop or increases in severity, address the teacher or principal
* Cyberbullying:
* Be clear about your intent to monitor you child's use of social media
* Establish clear guidelines for the use of social media
* Emphasize that if you can help them address the problem early, it will likely have a better outcome as cyber bullying can spread quickly.