Joseph Spitalli, 34, will be held without bond for the murder of Teymur Huseynli and the kidnapping of his ex-girlfriend, Kristina Baltrimaviciene, 28, of Darien.
Police say on Saturday, just after midnight, Darien police responded to a battery call on Wildwood Court. Huseynli was pronounced dead on the lawn, the victim of an apparent knife wound.
Police say sometime before midnight, Baltrimaviciene and her boyfriend Huseynli, left Baltrimaviciene's apartment on Wildwood Court to walk a dog. Police say Spitalli confronted the couple while on their walk and an argument between Huseynli and Spitalli ensued.
Police say Spitalli grabbed Huseynli from behind and slit his throat, then forced Baltrimaviciene into his car at knifepoint and drove to his home, then they went to Spitalli's parents' home where the police were called.
Spitalli was charged with two counts of first-degree murder and one count of aggravated kidnapping.