The State of Black Chicago Congress

May 30, 2013 (CHICAGO) (RELEASE) A wide cross section of business leaders, elected officials, clergy, and youth leaders will convene on June 1, 2013 at the Emil and Patricia Jones Convocation Center at Chicago State University located at 9501 South King Drive. There they will have intergenerational, solution-based discussions about the current "State of Black Chicago". Organizers of the State of Black Chicago Congress (SBCC) believe this historic event is an important first step in addressing the serious issues affecting the community.

The specific goals of the SBCC are to mobilize all segments of the community of African descent to collectively analyze nine (9) areas of concern. The areas include Crime and Violence; Education Access and Resources; Business Development and Opportunity; Youth Engagement and Leadership Development; Joblessness; Health and Wellness; Black Media, New Media and Technology; Politics; and Spirituality, Religion, and the Black Church in the 21st Century. Focus groups were formed in March 2013 and are meeting weekly leading up to the Congress. The discussions will be summarized and presented in the form of solution papers to be reviewed by the panelists participating on June 1st, in an effort to formulate a solution-based dialogue that moves the community to action. The solution papers and a full recap of the June 1st Congress will be made available to the public via the SBCC website.

The Congress, which is free and open to the public, seeks to inform, educate, mobilize and strategize towards a common agenda that will turn the tide on the current socioeconomic conditions affecting Black Chicago, and serve as a foundation for continued community action. On-site registration begins at 7:30am on June 1st at the Emil and Patricia Jones Convocation Center at Chicago State University located at 9501 S. King Drive. Campus parking is available.


7:30am - Registration
8:30am - Opening Session: Welcome remarks and overview of the State of Black Chicago Congress Initiative
9:00am - Panel I: Business Development & Opportunity; Joblessness and Housing; Black Media, New Media and Technology
10:15am - Panel II: Spirituality, Religion and the Black Church in the 21st Century; Health & Wellness; Politics
12-12:30pm - Lunch Break
12:45pm - Panel III: Crime and Violence; Youth Engagement & Leadership Development; Education Access and Resources
2:45pm - Keynote Panel
4pm - Next Steps Plan of Action Presentation and Remarks by Honorary Co-Chairs
5:30pm - Local Artist Showcase
Please note that the schedule is tentative and subject to change.

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