But it's not tree branches that Clara Pushman and her neighbors are worried about, it's insulation.
"It's all over the carpet, it's back here, it is everywhere," said Pushman, Lake of the Four Seasons resident.
It's stuck in trees, several backyards and managed to get inside the Pushman's home. The insulation comes from the house across the street. The roof was blown off and landed in the Pushmans' driveway. Fortunately, the family living inside was not hurt, but strong winds and rain tore through this gated northwest community as well as homes near it.
"Five after 7, we lost power, then holy hell broke loose," said Bill Hurley, resident.
And Mother Nature broke loose on dozens of Bill Hurley's trees- some completely uprooted, others split in half. In all, Hurley says he lost about 40 trees.
"I've always complained I didn't get enough sun back here. I think I'll have enough now," said Hurley.
And Sandy Comer will be getting more sun on her 3 acre property.
"Forty years ago I bought this property, this old house, for the trees," said Comer.
Over 15 of Comer's trees are destroyed. One landed on the roof of her old house, another branch made its way right through this conversion van.
While it's a mess and there is plenty of hard cleanup work ahead, these residents put it all in perspective.
"I'm still alive, that is the best part," said Comer.
"As long as me and my wife are safe and the Blackhawks win, I'm a happy guy," said Hurley.