Pumpkin thief reprimanded in sign posted by angry mom

October 29, 2013 (WASHINGTON)

Originally there were four pumpkins on the steps of the Reina family's Washington D.C. home. One for Becky Reina, her husband and their children Tommy and Abby.

But Tommy's was taken. So Becky Reina left a sign expressing her frustration. She comments that the theft will teach her son a life lesson, that sometimes people are mean for no reason.

Then because her son can't read yet, she uses an expletive to describe the thief.

"Pumpkins get smashed, pumpkins get stolen of course. I was really just mad because it was only his pumpkin," said Reina.

Becky Reina's neighbors have read the sign, it's been posted on the internet and she says she even got a call from the Daily Mail in London.

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