Wednesday was the first lobby day after Illinois became the last state to pass a concealed carry law last summer. Gun owners and activists rallied at the Prairie Capitol Convention Center before marching to the Capitol building inSpringfield.
Gun activists called the landmark concealed carry law a great achievement, but warned the battle for gun rights isn't over. They want to allow gun owners to carry firearms in places such as parks, libraries and mass transportation.
Richard Pearson is the executive director for the Illinois State Rifle Association. He says places that ban guns are more inviting for criminal activity.
Meanwhile, in suburban Lagrange, members of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America passed out the signs around Main Street. They say the just want to keep their children safe.
Chris Manolis has been in business for 13 years. He said he regrets his restaurant is in the middle of a political debate.
The Illinois State Rifle Association said business owners like Manolis should not be threatened with a boycott for not prohibiting entry to licensed gun carriers.
The Associated Press contributed to this report. All rights reserved.