Hinsdale police seek burglar caught on video

April 11, 2014 (HINSDALE, Ill.)

A burglar was caught on tape by a resident's home surveillance camera. Police in Hinsdale hope the video will lead to the arrest of a suspect.

Hinsdale police say that there were two car burglaries last week. A resident participating in the block watch program came forward with home surveillance video capturing the suspect. The video captured a car burglary in the 200-block of Justina on the night of April 7, where approximately 25 DVDs were taken from the vehicle.

"If it wasn't for the help of this resident and their home surveillance system, we would have no suspects," said Deputy Chief Mark Wodka, Hinsdale Police Department. Hinsdale residents support the block watch program.

"I think it's good if it helps to catch a criminal," said Maria Therese Patras, Hinsdale resident.

Deputy Chief Wodka said there was another car burglary in the 600-block of Woodside, also on the evening of April 7. A briefcase, laptop and personal documents were taken from an unlocked vehicle.

"We can't catch criminals alone, and we recognize that we need to make better use of technology. We see that home video systems are a force multiplier for us," said Deputy Chief Wodka.

Police are encouraging residents to invest in home camera systems and join the block watch program because it can be a deterrent to crime. To participate in the program, visit: http://www.villageofhinsdale.org/pd/blockwatch.php.

Police are hoping that after releasing the video, someone will come forward with information about the suspect.

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