As CPS students return from spring break, 2 schools have new leadership after principals removed

ByLeah Hope and Christian Piekos WLS logo
Monday, April 10, 2023
As CPS students return from break, 2 schools have new leadership
Chicago Public School students go back to class Monday after spring break and at Lindblom High School and Hyde Park Academy, they have new principals.

CHICAGO (WLS) -- Chicago Public School students go back to class Monday after spring break.

At two schools, they are returning to new leadership, who have replaced the principals they started the school year with.

Monday marks the first day back from spring break for CPS students and Lindblom Math and Science Academy is welcoming the school with a new principal.

This comes after CPS says it conducted an investigation into the now reassigned former principal, leaving some uneasy about the school's direction.

"What happened?" parent Jay Jonas said. "We don't know. We need to know."

A pointed question for Chicago Public Schools, from a concerned parent of a Lindblom Math and Science Academy student.

"My daughter and I just had a conversation, where we're both a little anxious about what to expect," Jones said.

That anxiety fueled by a sudden shake-up in the prestigious school's leadership on the first day back from the district's spring break.

Everett Edwards is now taking over as administrator-in-charge after the school's former leader, Abdul Muhammad, was suddenly removed the day before break started.

CPS told ABC7 Muhammad was reassigned following substantiated findings after an investigation, but the district stopped short of revealing what it learned about the former Lindblom principal.

"I personally liked him because he did try and he was the first Black principal of the school," Lindblom senior Doneya Boyd. "He did a lot of things for the school. He always walked around and talked with students, asked us if we needed anything, what can he do to make the school better."

Boyd said students walked out at the start of the school year in protest of Muhammad, when he fired the school's former assistant principal, Karen Fitzpatrick Carpenter.

"It was a whole lot of going back-and-forth with how he's doing in the school and how he's representing the school," Boyd said.

As students walked back to school, parents are left with far more questions than answers about why the former principal was suddenly ousted.

"It concerns me because we don't really ever know where we're headed as far as the future is concerned. It brings a lot of anxiety to her," Jones said. "We expect more from CPS."

Meantime, the school is hosting a virtual meeting with parents tonight to discuss the administrative changes.

At Hyde Park Academy, Kenneth McNeal is now the administrator-in-charge after CPS suspended former principal Antonio Ross, also due to an investigation that is not public.

"Whatever is going on here, I hope they straighten out, because the kids don't need to go through more than what they did. They just got over COVID," said Tanya Martin, a Hyde Park Academy parent.

Siobhan Enge, another parent, said the move by CPS leaves a lot of questions.

"It's a big concern for me as a parents, especially as a parent of a senior," Enge said. "Parents want to know what's going on. We want to know, 'what is he being investigated for?' We want to know if there is any concern for our children on why he's being investigated."

There is a meeting Monday night for Hyde Park Academy parents to answer questions about the leadership shake up.

Both schools have meetings planned on Monday evening, at which parents ABC7 spoke with hope to get more information.

CPS said the district does not comment on ongoing investigations and personnel matters.

CPS sent letters to students and parents last week.

Dear Lindblom Parents and Guardians,

We always strive to keep you informed of matters involving your school, which is why I am writing to you today.

Today, Friday, March 31, CPS removed Abdul Muhammad from his principal duties at Lindblom effective immediately due to an investigation that substantiated findings against Mr. Muhammad. He has been reassigned to the Network 16 Office.

We are fully committed to supporting the Lindblom community through this challenging situation. Beginning Monday, April 10, Everett Edwards will serve as Lindblom's Administrator-in-Charge. I am confident he will support the continued success of the Lindblom community.

Please know that we are taking this situation extremely seriously, and we remain committed to providing Lindblom students with a positive learning environment where they can reach their full potential. While the Network 16 team is unable to discuss details regarding the case, we are available to discuss the steps CPS takes to support students and matters related to your child.

Please call the Network 16 office at 773-535-8240 if you have any questions or concerns.


Devon LaRosa
Chief of Schools
Network 16

Hyde Park Academy letter;

Dear Hyde Park High School Parents and Guardians,

We always strive to keep you informed of matters involving your school, which is why I am writing to you today.

Today, Friday, March 31, CPS removed Antonio Ross from his principal duties at Hyde Park effective immediately due to an investigation by the CPS Office of the Inspector General that substantiated findings against Mr. Ross. He will remain suspended pending a due process hearing into the allegations against him.

We are fully committed to supporting the Hyde Park community through this challenging situation. Beginning Monday, April 10, Kenneth McNeal will serve as Hyde Park's Administrator-in-Charge. I am confident he will support the continued success of the Hyde Park community.

Please know that we are taking this situation extremely seriously, and we remain committed to providing Hyde Park students with a positive learning environment where they can reach their full potential. While the Network 17 team is unable to discuss details regarding the case, we are available to discuss the steps CPS takes to support students and matters related to your child.

Please call the Network 17 office at 773-535-8520 if you have any questions or concerns.


Myron Hester
Chief of Schools
Network 17

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