Teen driver charged in fatal Hickory Hills crash, killing 4 other teens

Family members identifying Omarion Rieves, Jemerrio Rieves, Nathan Phillips, and Destiny Giera as the teens killed in the crash

ByABC7 Chicago Digital Team WLS logo
Monday, July 19, 2021
Teen driver charged in fatal Hickory Hills crash, killing 4
Teen driver charged in fatal Hickory Hills crash, killing 4A teen driver has been charged in a crash that killed four other teenagers Saturday in Hickory Hills.

HICKORY HILLS, Ill. (WLS) -- A teen driver has been charged in a crash that killed four other teenagers Saturday in Hickory Hills.

A total of six teens were in the vehicle at the time of the crash, but only two survived - the driver and front-seat passenger.

Police said the teenage driver of the Mercedes SUV was speeding and trying to go airborne over a hill just before 2:30 p.m. at 89th Street and 85th Court, but lost control of the vehicle and hit a tree, causing the SUV to split in half.

RELATED: Vigil held for 4 teens killed in Hickory Hills crash after vehicle splits in half

Two brothers, Omarion and Jemerrio Rieves, were killed. Police have also identified the other two victims as Destiny Giera and Nathaniel Phillips.

Omarion Rieves and Jemerrio Rieves are among four teens killed in a Hickory Hills crash after the vehicle they were in split in half when the driver lost control.

Investigators said the driver is facing reckless homicide charges.

A balloon release was held Sunday night to honor the lives of the teens killed.

Four teens were killed a Hickory Hills crash Saturday afternoon after their vehicle was split in half. Police say the driver lost control.
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