Who would Reese Witherspoon want to play her in a movie?

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Friday, February 6, 2015
Reese Witherspoon arrives at the 87th Academy Awards nominees luncheon.

Celebrities might say their lives are not all fabulous gowns and famous friends, but sometimes it sure seems like it. Oscar nominee Reese Witherspoon sat down with pal Amy Adams at a Vanity Fair photo shoot to discuss how they met and what they would do if they could be anonymous for a day.

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Adams and Witherspoon met at a pool party not long after Adams moved to Los Angeles. Adams remembers showing off her diving skills, while Witherspoon remembers asking a friend who the "hot girl" was.

Witherspoon says she loves watching TV. "Mad Men" and "Girls" are two of her favorite shows.

When asked what they would do if they could be incognito for a day, both women say they wish for the ordinary -- being able to go out with their kids and walk through crowds unnoticed.

"I'd probably go to a really super public event," Witherspoon said.

When asked who would play them in a movie about their lives, Adams was quick to respond -- Kristen Wigg.

As for Witherspoon? "Those Fanning girls," she responds (meaning sisters Dakota and Elle). "Either one of them; they could take turns."