Chris Soules begins his journey on 'The Bachelor'

ByJennifer Matarese WLS logo
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
"The Bachelor" Chris Soules, is living right next door to the mansion this season. He was filled with anticipation and excitement as he began the search for his soul mate.
ABC/Rick Rowell-ABC

NEW YORK -- The big premiere of "The Bachelor" started off with a shot of Chris Soules' sprawling Iowa farm and then, we got to see the man of the hour riding in on his motorcycle. I think they are trying to make him out to be some kind of "bad boy" by putting him on a motorcycle, but hey, I guess we'll have to wait and see. We only know the little bit we were presented with last season on "The Bachelorette" about the 33 year old.

(Everything that happened during the "live parts of the show" will be posted after the portion on the rose ceremony, so keep reading for that content!)

Then Chris compared love to farming, and I'm sure all of the women out there who love farmers swooned. They showed his daily life; how he goes fishing, hangs out with his family, rides his tractor, etc. He made it clear that he's proud of his farm and he wants to pass it on to his children one day. So, whoever he picks better like sprawling land and being 20 miles from civilization and in an area of 400 residents.

A blast from the past showed up, Cody! Cue the montage of Soules working out on the farm, doing pushups on hay bales, and really working hard to get in shape for his role of "The Bachelor". He should probably just be honest and let the ladies know he doesn't normally look this way. They are in for a rude awakening on the farm!

He's missing the harvest to take part in "The Bachelor" and try to find a wife. They had some weird "Field of Dreams" music playing while he talked about that. It was really strange.

The first woman we meet is Britt, the 27-year-old waitress from Hollywood, CA. She says it's been a long time since she's had someone to love in her life. She says that she didn't have sex at all in her last relationship. I wonder how farmer Chris will feel about that! Yet, she says she is touchy feely and they showed Britt holding a sign out in Hollywood that said, "Free Hugs".

Jillian is 25, from DC, and works as a national news producer. She also looks like she's majorly into Cross Fit. I hope he likes his ladies with a side of muscles!

Meet the opposite of Jillian, 24-year-old Amanda from Illinois. She works as a ballet instructor. She said that she doesn't like paying bills, cooking, or cleaning, and she lives with her mom. She seems like she is looking for a "mom" replacement and someone to just take care of her.

Whitney is a 29-year-old fertility nurse from Chicago, Illinois. She seems like a super caring person who loves helping couples achieve their dreams of starting a family. She says that she has a hard time finding guys that are serious about settling down. She might be a good match for Chris! She says she could help in making some livestock babies for his farm.

Mackenzie is a 21-year-old dental assistant from Maple Valley, Washington. She has a young son named Kale. I was concerned when I saw that she was so young, but having a baby will make you grow up quick. She says she wants to meet a man who is more mature, so we'll see if she has any luck.

Alissa is a flight attendant from Hamilton, New Jersey. The 25-year-old handed out roses to men on her flight and compared flying to love. Oh boy.

From the dippy to the serious. Kelsey is a school counselor in Austin, Texas. The 28-year-old is a widow, and has been for a year and four months. So sad! Her late husband's heart stopped as he was just walking to work. She's hoping that there is more than one soul mate out there in the world for her.

So we are now back in LA for the arrival of the women. I kind of wish they would film the whole season in Iowa. These ladies should really get to see what life is like on a farm! He says he's scared that he will have feelings for more than one woman, and he's also scared someone won't want to be with a farmer from Arlington. As the limos pulled up, Amanda called his smile a "panty dropper". Way to keep it classy.

Limo #1

1) Britt - 27-year-old waitress from Hollywood, CA. She gave him an awkwardly long hug, and Chris was so nice about it! He said it was one of the nicest hugs he's had in a long time. She gave him a little note and told him to find her to find out more about it. The note said "free hug" and he said he plans on taking her up on it.

2) Whitney - 29-year-old fertility nurse from Chicago, IL. She hugged him and told him that she wouldn't be there if it wasn't him, and he seemed happy with that.

3) Kelsey - 28-year-old school counselor and widow from Austin, TX. She talked about how nervous she was and he told her he was just a regular guy and to not be nervous. She said that he totally put her at ease.

4) Megan - 24-year-old makeup artist from Nashville, TN. Chris right away called her "Blondie". He was also immediately taken by her blue eyes. Keep in mind; he's said "wow" after every woman so far. He admitted that this wasn't going to be easy!

5) Ashley I. - 26-year-old freelance journalist from Wayne, NJ. He told her she was gorgeous, and she said that she was glad it was him.

Limo #2

6) Trina - 33-year-old special education teacher from San Clemente, CA. She said, "Hello, Farmer Chris!" They just talked about how great they both looked and she asked him to come find her inside.

7) Reegan - 28-year-old cadaver tissue saleswoman from Manhattan Beach, CA. She brought her biohazard cooler with her and inside was a fake heart. It was so freaking creepy! I think we can safely say he probably won't be that into this girl.

8) Tara - 26-year-old sport fishing enthusiast from Fort Lauderdale, FL. She wore cowboy boots and daisy duke shorts with a flannel shirt. I guess he'll be able to spot her amidst all the ball gowns. She says cocktail dresses aren't her style. All the girls inside immediately started talking about her. So, she went into a bathroom and put on a simple black cocktail dress. I think she should have left the shorts on! It made her stand out!

9) Amber - 29-years-old. She brought her teddy bear because he's a comfort to her. Um, ok.

10) Nikki - 26-year-old from New York City. She told Chris that she had just flown there from Peru. As they are chatting, Tara is sneaking around in her dress. She gets back in the limo! Chris said, "You're back?!" She told him that she wanted him to see her both ways basically and he sweetly told her that she would have been fine all night in the shorts and that she looked just as beautiful that way.

Limo #3

11) She gave the limo driver a note to give Chris. He said, "OK". The note said, "Chris please turn away from the limo and close your eyes." So he obliges and Amanda the dippy ballet teacher pops out. She says that she wants to be his secret admirer because he wrote secret admirer letters last season on "The Bachelorette". With that, she walks away! What if he eliminates her the first night?!

12) Jillian - 25-year-old network news producer from DC. They talked about working out and testing his strength inside. He totally noticed her physique.

13) Mackenzie - 21-year-old dental assistant and single mom from Maple Valley, WA. She just talked about how nervous she was and Chris told her it would be an amazing journey.

14) Ashley S. - 24-year-old hair stylist from Brooklyn, NY. She awkwardly told him a story about how she wore a lucky penny in the airport and put it in her shoe and then that she wanted to put it in his shoe, so she did.

15) Kaitlyn - 29-year-old dance instructor from Vancouver, BC. A Canadian! She has a potty mouth. She said that she knows that he's a farmer and that he can "plow the *expletive* out of her field any day". What?! Isn't this show on at 8 p.m. She floored him with that one; he didn't even know what to say. She also wiped off lipstick on his face and joked, "Who is she?!" She's actually pretty funny.

Chris Harrison then came out to check in with him and see how he was doing. He said he couldn't wait to see the ladies inside, but there were still several more women or so that he had not even met yet. This is totally different from past seasons!

The ladies were totally caught off guard! They didn't expect him to come in the house for some time. He just asked them to be themselves and joked with Kaitlyn about her hilarious jokes. They did a toast. Then Kaitlin told a joke. "Why did the walrus go to the Tupperware store? To find a tight seal!" OMG the looks on the ladies' faces was so funny. She loves telling risqu jokes.

He took Britt aside to talk and she was so flattered that he already remembered her name. He wanted to know what the little note was about. She talked about how she wants her hugs to represent her as a wife and girlfriend where those people should be a safe haven in your life. She wants him to feel safe with her and for him to be able to give a hug to her in all situations. He thinks she's amazing and he thinks that she speaks to his heart. She told him that she wants to raise a family in a small town. He wanted to kiss her, but he kind of chickened out and just let her go.

He also shared some one-on-one time with Kelsey. He admired her dimples. After he made the rounds with the women, Chris Harrison walked in! He dropped off the first impression rose for Chris to hand out.

When Whitney talked to Chris she told him that "she makes babies every day for a living". He thought that was funny and then they talked about inseminating hogs. He said that he loves making babies! It was pretty funny. Nikki, meantime, gave him a rock heart that she found while hiking in Peru.

Three hours into the night, there were still just 15 ladies! They were all wondering what was going on because typically there are 25. Chris told the ladies that there was a secret admirer. Wouldn't he be able to remember which one he hadn't met? Especially because there are only 15 inside? Then, Amanda gave herself up and apparently doesn't understand that a secret admirer is usually kept a secret for a while longer. She has huge eyes that look a little crazy.

Chris Harrison came back and stole Chris away and told him more limos were coming! Then, they started to arrive. The women inside the mansion were horrified!

Limo #4

16) Samantha - 27-year-old from Los Angeles, CA. She said that she was "Grateful and blessed" to get to know him.

17) Michelle - 25-year-old wedding cake decorator with two children from Provo, UT. They called each other gorgeous.

18) Juelia - 24-year-old esthetician from Portland, OR. The show was flying through these introductions and not taking as much time as they did on the other ones.

19) Becca - 25-year-old chiropractic assistant from San Diego, CA. He told her he loved her dress.

20) Tandra -30-year-old executive assistant from Sandy, UT. She told him that she got a lot of crazy looks on the freeway because she rode a motorcycle in a cocktail dress.

Limo #5

21) Alissa - 25-year-old flight attendant from Hamilton, NJ. I almost forgot about her! She tried to put a seatbelt on him but it didn't quite fit. I thought that was sort of awkward but all of the ladies watching inside were jealous of her "cute" introduction.

22) Jordan - 24-year-old student from Windsor, CO. She gave him little bottle of whiskey and they did a shot.

23) Nicole - 31-year-old real estate agent from Scottsdale, AZ. She came out of the limo in a pig nose!

24) Brittney - 26-year-old from Orlando, FL. She came out in a super short dress and gave him a banner that said "Soulesmates".

25) Carly - 29-year-old cruise ship entertainer from Arlington, TX. She sang a cheesy song to him with a karaoke machine that was giving off feedback.

Oh but wait...there's a 6th Limo!

26) Tracy - 29-year-old 4th grade teacher from Wellington, FL. She read a cute note from her students to Chris.

27) Bo - 25-year-old plus size model from Carpinteria, CA. She told him how attractive he is, and he said she was beautiful too.

28) Kimberly - 28-year-old yoga instructor from Long Island, NY. All they showed was her saying hi.

29) Kara - 25-year-old high school soccer coach from Brownsville, KY. Nothing really here either from this girl.

30) Jade - 28-year-old cosmetics developer from Los Angeles, CA. They just said that they couldn't wait to talk to each other inside.

Finally, the parade of women is over. 30 women! Chris returned back inside the house and was cheered on by the women. Michelle told him that she has a 6 year old and a 7 year old! Wow, two kids! I'm not sure if he's looking for an instant family or how he feels about being a step-dad. Kaitlyn taught him to do some dancing. He said that he was really impressed by her. Then the women started stealing him from each other and it started getting really competitive. Chris said that they would all make fantastic wives for someone and he joked that he wished that he was a polygamist.

Ashley S. made some crazy comments about meeting people and peeling back their onion layers, then she also tried to give a girl a yellow rose and get her to go away. She left without the rose and I think that Chris thought she was a little crazy. She just kept talking about the "onion". That other girl kept saying, "Where is this conversation going?" and interrupted her.

Mackenzie did some water color painting for him. She asked him if his farming is organic and he stuttered around, so I'm guessing it's not? Tara who I liked at first, drank way too much, started burping, and yelling swear words out. I think she may be in trouble. Too much Jameson.

Chris finally picked up the first impression rose and gave it to Britt! Yay! I really like her. She accepted the rose, and said that she wishes she had a rose to give back to him. I'm glad he likes her! He sealed the deal with a kiss! She said that she was very honored. Once they walked back in, daggers flew from the ladies' eyeballs into Britt! Yikes!

At last, it was time for Chris to make his final decisions and give out his remaining roses.





Ashley I.




(Tara says, "Dude I'm getting delirious")






(Tara starts to rub her arms super-fast.)


(Tara started to fall over!)

At this point Chris walks out of the room. He goes and talks to Chris about Tara and her drunken behavior. He goes back into the room and apologizes to the ladies and continues picking people.



Tara (What?! I guess he decided to give her a second chance. The other ladies were disgusted.)

Jordan (She tripped on the way down.)

Jillian (She can stop threatening to beat people up now...maybe.)



Ashley S. (THE ONION!)

Is anyone else bummed a few of the crazies left? I'll miss Amanda's bright eyes! I felt bad for her when she started to cry. It's got to be an intense experience and a long, long night.

Oh but wait, Kimberly goes back inside to talk to Chris. What happens? We have to wait until next week to find out!

This season it looks like there's some big drama about someone getting frisky with Chris in a tent during a campout. There is more crying than I think I've ever seen in a preview. It looks like Kelsey needs oxygen at some point. But it appears they do make it to paradise and fantasy dates, so at least some of these girls stick around for the long haul. Share with us in the comments below who you think Chris should pick based on your impressions this first night!


For the live portion of the show, there was an actual red carpet show! We saw several of the fan favorites and of course the successful couples. Chris Harrison also revealed that a virgin spends the night in the fantasy suite. I don't know why we need to know that right now, but I think that will give away one of the final three to say the least.

Chris Harrison caught up with Sean and Catherine. They said they spent a boring New Year's Eve together. As for kids, they said they are "practicing" and that children are "on their radar", but there are no buns in the oven yet. Sean wished the new "Bachelor" Chris best of luck and then talked about his experiences that first night. Catherine said that the first night on their season, some of the girls drank too much and she was glad that she wasn't one of them. Chris Harrison said that too much drinking definitely happened this time around on the first night.

Marcus and Lacey said they are in the middle of planning their wedding. They said that they expect Chris to do well this season and they think that he will find love. That was all Chris Harrison could get out of the happy couple.

Andi and Josh spoke to Chris about how they get such positive attention from fans that spot them out in the real world. They are still not fully planning their wedding but are enjoying being engaged. Andi said what you see is what you get when it comes to Chris and he always takes the high road. Josh says he was great friends with him too and they are cheering him on. I thought Andi was going to start a fire with how fast she was rubbing Josh's back, must have been a nervous reaction or something!

Nikki spoke with Chris Harrison about her break up with Juan Pablo. Chris rehashed how she gave all of her emotions to Juan Pablo and she got nothing back. She says that she was fine with him not expressing his feelings about her and she cared about him and she wanted to "stand by her man". She said that twice. She says that her relationship with him was misunderstood and she just wanted people to be happy for her. She says that they broke up mostly due to the distance between them and the difference in their careers. She said she knew she would never be his number one priority because he has a daughter and that's fine, but "there's a difference between being the #2 priority and the #7 priority." She says by the time he expressed her importance to him it was "too little too late." They spent a lot of time on this interview with her. Too long.

Once the live show moved into the studio, Chris Harrison introduced six farmer's wives from Chris' hometown. One of them actually went to high school with Chris. They said that he is very sincere and that Iowa is a great place to live. Two of them were dressed almost exactly the same and had the same haircut. Maybe they are mother and daughter or something?

Chris spoke to the runner up from Juan Pablo's season, Clare, and she just shared her thoughts on what it's like being a contestant on the first night. Then everyone started talking about Britt. Michelle Money shared a rumor about Britt saying that she doesn't shower. What the heck?! Andi and Josh said that she seems like a sweet girl. The Iowa ladies said that the kiss was a little soon with Britt, "but that's our Chris!" Ha, that's funny; they seem to think of him as a little bit of a playboy.

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