The Bully Police Squad,President Karen Wojcikowski
The Bully Police Squad raises awareness on bullying and social cruelty, advocating for each of our victims. We believe that every call is important, that is why no call ever goes unanswered. The Bully Police Squad strives to educate all parents, children, and teachers on the causes and effects of bullying. Hopefully through this effort, more and more children will be able to see school as a safe learning environment.
Check out their website here:
Mail: P.O. Box 170337
Chicago, IL 60617
Phone: (800) 914-1873
The Rock & The Ripe, director/activist Mark Blane
The Rock & The Ripe, is a Chicago theatrical play about the bullied and bruised gay youth of America by director/activist Mark Blane. For information on the play and their anti-bullying movement please go to You can buy tickets, sign our anti-bullying pledge for LGBT youth, and learn about the stories and kids we believe can inspire change and acceptance.
Performing June 1st, 2nd, & 3rd @ Links Hall
3435 N Sheffield Ave # 207, Chicago, IL
Extended run of the show!: June 7-17 at Teatro Luna
3914 North Clark Street Chicago, IL
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Consultant: Andrew Krugly
Andrew has been an educator for 23 years -- a teacher for 6 and a school principal for 17. He was a child who was bullied pretty badly in elementary school and when he became a teacher, and subsequently a school principal, it was extremely important to him that the environment that he was responsible for creating, would not foster or tolerate bullying.
He used PBIS -- Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. The five practices of PBIS are: Define, Teach, Remind, Reward, and Re-Teach. The idea is to set positive expectations for students, not negative rules, and to teach the children how to meet these expectations. Lessons are meant to create an environment where bullying is not an option. Some lessons include: how to ask to enter a game, how to say no to someone, how to use I statements, how to walk away and count to ten, and how to self-advocate.
By lowering behavior infractions, teachers have more time to focus and teaching, and kids have more time to focus on learning. As the number of behavior infractions goes down, the academic profile can soar. Children can be safe, happy, and available to learn.
Andrew is available to train and coach in PBIS and his website is
Illinois PTA, Membership/Marketing Director, Jennifer DeFranco
Jennifer DeFranco is a committed education advocate in Illinois and currently serves as the Membership/Marketing Director and the 2012 Convention Program coordinator for the Illinois PTA. She is also a Social Media Ambassador for the National PTA.
She served as the 2010 Illinois delegate to the Parenting Magazine Mom Congress at Georgetown University and currently serves as a mentor for the 2011 delegation, presenting on bullying prevention. She is also a Shot@Life Champion working to raise awareness for global vaccines with the United Nations Foundation. Additionally she serves as a trustee for the District 15 Educational Foundation, a soccer coach and board member for the Palatine Celtic Soccer Club and a Girl Scout leader. She is the mother of two outstanding elementary age children, a wife to an exceptionally wonderful husband and owner of one rambunctious goldendoodle puppy. Connect with her on Twitter @JenDeFranco and follow her blog at
The Bully Project, and 'Billy' Movie -- Offers resources for parents, teachers, kids and communities on how to respond to and prevent bullying.
Stop Bullying Now! -- Information from various government agencies to provide education on bullying, cyberbullying, the risks and prevention. Also offers a 24-hour help hotline for victims at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
Teens Against Bullying -- Information specifically designed to help teens learn about bullying, how to appropriately respond, and how to prevent it.
Kids Against Bullying -- Information specifically designed to help elementary school children learn about bullying, how to appropriately respond, and how to prevent it.
STOMP Out Bullying! --Education for kids and teens on anti-bullying as well as solutions on how to respond to all forms of bullying.
National Youth Advocacy Coalition -- An advocacy organization that provides guidance, leadership and wellness for youth.
Trevor Project -- Provides support to gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth. Also offer the Trevor Lifeline, a 24-hour, national crisis and suicide prevention hotline. The number is 1-866-4-U-Trevor.
PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center -- Interactive resources for teachers, parents and kids of all ages that educate communities and address bullying.
WEBSITE: Bullying at School and Online -- Provides parents and teachers with the information they want and the ideas they need to help a bullied child.
Teaching Tolerance: Bullying -- Educational materials and activities for teachers to incorporate in the classroom that reduce prejudice and improve intergroup relations.
The Human Rights Campaign's Welcoming Schools ---Resources for administrators, educators, parents and guardians to find the materials needed to address family diversity, gender stereotyping and name-calling in elementary schools.
GLSEN, Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network -- An organization that ensures safe schools for all students, with a focus on the transgender, gay and lesbian students.
Family Acceptance Project -- An organization that works in the context of families to decrease major heath and related risks for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth.
Alexian Brothers Health System ( -- Details about the School Anxiety/School Refusal Program can be found with this link: details on the Coalition for a Psychologically Healthy Community can be found here:
Sears and "Team Up To Stop Bullying" -- Sears has launched "Team Up To Stop Bullying", an initiative that will empower anybody who is touched by bullying - parents, kids, victims, schools and communities - to connect to real solutions and services all available in one place. For more information and to take the "Power Pledge" today, visit