She was taken to Stroger Hospital and remains in critical condition. They made this daring rescue which for the firefighters was just all in a day's work.
"Just at the right place at the right time. I'm glad I was able to find her as quickly as I did," said David Doyle, Chicago Firefighter.
Doyle was on a mission when he arrived at the Garfield Park apartment building which was on fire on Tuesday evening to save a baby still on the third floor.
"It's very rewarding. I have three daughters of my own, and it all comes into play," said Doyle.
The fire was reported just before 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday. It was an extra alarm because of the baby trapped inside.
Doyle said when he arrived at the scene he ran up two flights of stairs through thick black smoke to the third floor and found the 18-month-old girl who was unresponsive. He brought her to the paramedics waiting outside.
"We started working on what we're trained to do, worked on opening up the airways...and thank God she started he breathing on her own," said Thomas Kalicky, paramedic.
Firefighters say when they first arrived on the scene there were a couple people outside urging them to go up and save the baby. It's not known whether they were related to the infant. As for the cause, it is still under investigation. There were smoke detectors in the apartment, but it's not known if they were working.