Suspects in cab driver killings show no remorse

HOUSTON Authorities say Chaz Blackshear and Danielle Hudson have confessed to the murders. Both are charged with two counts each of capital murder, accused of robbing and killing two taxi drivers last week.

Evil and without a conscience - that is what Houston police are saying about the two people charged with gunning down two Houston cab drivers just 36 hours apart for money.

"It's a wannabe Bonnie and Clyde who thought they could run the streets of this city. They're so callous and evil that they could operate with impunity," said Fil Waters of HPD homicide investigator.

Police say Blackshear, 21, and Hudson, 21 met just a few months ago after Blackshear moved here from Dallas. Hudson moved in with him along with her 2-year-old son, and together police say they planned their crimes which began with Hudson calling for a cab, and the pair waiting for their victim to arrive.

"Get the cab, get the driver, get the money, kill the driver, burn the evidence up," said Waters.

Hudson has prior convictions for theft and Blackshear for drugs. Police say they expressed zero remorse as they confessed to the murders of 32-year-old Mohammad El Sayed and 50-year-old Blaise Nwokenaka - all for just a couple hundred dollars.

"These were two people that there was no emotional side. It was more of trying to save themselves," said Sgt. Brian Harris of HPD Homicide.

Police found El Sayed shot to death on Tuesday. Nwokenaka's body was found Thursday. The alleged killers were arrested Friday.

Police credit a variety of evidence from audio recordings of Hudson calling for the cabs, to a building's surveillance video. In fact, they say the second murder was captured on camera and even shows Blackshear setting Nwokenaka's cab on fire.

"He brought items with him to facilitate burning up the evidence," Waters said.

But a lot of evidence remained. There are fingerprints linking the defendants to the murders, and shell casings at both scenes that match the same murder weapon. The final pieces were the defendants' own words admitting to the murders, which detectives say are not the only crimes the pair committed.

Both Blackshear and Hudson are being held in the Harris County Jail without bond.

Hudson appears before judge Monday

Hudson was at the Harris County Courthouse today as the judge heard probable cause. She is charged with capital murder, along with Chaz Blackshear.

In the probable cause statement, it says Hudson admitted to calling for the cabs and then helping Blackshear move the body after the shooting. Police say robbery was the motive.

On Thursday morning, a Houston police officer discovered the body of cab driver Blaize Uzoma Nwokenaka, 50. He'd been robbed, shot and killed. A fire had also been set inside the cab. The discovery was in the 12000 block of Overbrook in west Houston, just three blocks away from the first murder.

Authorities confirmed a yellow cab was abandoned on Overbrook last Tuesday morning. The body of the driver, Mohammed Nabil Elsayed, 32, was found in a drainage ditch in the 5400 block of Wheatley in northwest Houston in Acres Homes.

Both cabs, say authorities, picked up fares on two different days at the same gas station on South Dairy Ashford at Whittington in west Houston. At the same time, at about 2am while the gas station was closed.

Blackshear, also 21, did not appear this morning. He was still being processed.

With the capital murder charges, if the suspects are convicted, they could receive life in prison or the death penalty.

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