Summer seems to have officially arrived, which is good news for sightseeing boat operators. When asked about the heat, Walden Avery with Shoreline Cruises replied: "I'm from Texas, so I'm used to it. Definitely used to it."
ABC7's Meterologist Jerry Taft said Monday's high of 93 degrees made it the hottest day of 2011 so far in Chicago; despite the heat, there were not many complaints among those outdoors.
"I love it. Hot, humid, I love it. It is better than cold weather any day," said Andy Hall.
"Yesterday you wouldn't want to be here. Today, you want to be down here," said Jimmy Rodriguez. "I wish I could take off my shirt and just walk around, but you can't do that no more."
The beach is one of the most popular places to be during a Chicago heatwave and there were lots of people laying claim to some sandy real estate Monday, next to the city's biggest air-conditioners.
"The water's cold but it feels nice and after being in the sun, it's really nice," said Alex Falaschetti while at North Avenue Beach.
City officials are more concerned about those less equipped to deal with the extreme heat, including the elderly and shut-ins. The Office of Emergency Management and Communications held a news conference Monday to address some heat-related concerns.
"During this extreme heat and humidity, we're asking Chicagoans to check on their older neighbors, particularly those with disabilities or who may be isolated from friends and family. Our department will be using our home care services such Meals on Wheels and Case Management to check on seniors and inquire about their well being," said Evelyn Diaz with Chicago Family and Support Services.
City officials say they expect Tuesday and Wednesday to be by far the worst days of this week for heat. They are encouraging people without air conditioning to take advantage Chicago's cooling centers, and for more information on where you can find those, call the city's information line at 311.