Rana jury begins deliberations

June 8, 2011 (CHICAGO)

The jury started deliberating at around 9:30 a.m. A verdict could come Wednesday.

"I never guess on that. I never guess. Juries reach the verdict when the jury is ready to reach the verdict. Every jury is different. Every jury I've ever seen is responsible, but they arrive at their work in their own special way," said defense attorney Charlie Swift.

Closing arguments wrapped up late Tuesday. Rana, 50, a Canadian citizen, Chicago resident and Pakistan native, faces charges that he helped his childhood friend David Coleman Headley by letting him travel five times as a representative Rana's Chicago-based immigration business so Headley could scout out targets for the terror attacks in Mumbai that killed about 160 people. Rana has been in custody since 2009.

Headley, a Pakistani-American, is an admitted terrorist. He testified against Rana during the trial, saying Rana was fully aware of the plot and that Rana played a crucial role.

Rana's defense attorneys say Headley is a liar and that Rana was not aware of any terror plots. During the trial, Headley also testified that he took orders from Pakistani intelligence and a military group.

The case is being closely watched worldwide, especially amid suspicions that Pakistan's government may have been protecting Osama bin Laden before U.S. forces killed him. Pakistan has denied the allegations.

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