Chicago DNC 2024 security fences coming down, streets reopening as officials celebrate success

ByABC7 Chicago Digital Team WLS logo
Last updated: Friday, August 23, 2024 11:34PM GMT
Chicago leaders celebrate successful DNC as dismantling begins
Chicago leaders celebrated a successful 2024 DNC Friday as the work of dismantling the security apparatus around the United Center and McCormick Place got underway.

CHICAGO (WLS) -- After four days of viral speeches, surprise guests, protests, street closures and security measures culminating in the nomination of Kamala Harris for president, the 2024 Democratic National Convention is over.

Chicago officials are celebrating a job well done. Thousands of protesters expressed their opinions peacefully and Chicago police made less than 100 arrests over four days.

Starting early Friday morning, the security barriers were being dismantled and streets were reopening. All areas around the United Center and McCormick Place will be open again by Monday, August 26.

Aug 23, 2024, 11:06 AM

Removal of United Center, McCormick Place security perimeter timeline

Crews began to dismantle the fences and barricades around the United Center and McCormick Place early Friday now that the Chicago Democratic National Convention has ended.

Full security perimeter reopening timeline:

McCormick Place: (all times subject to change)

Thursday, August 22

6 p.m. Perimeter take-down set to begin.

Friday, August 23

3 p.m. All major intersections cleared. I-55 off-ramp will be open.

Sunday, August 25

6 a.m. - Cermak from Michigan to Indiana will be clear.

8 a.m. - All area open and 75% of assets cleared off curbs.

Monday, August 26

6 a.m. - 100% of assets removed - area completely reopened.

United Center perimeter reopening timeline (all times subject to change)

Friday, August 23

1 a.m. - Takedown to begin (subject to change)

Saturday, August 24

Noon - Damen, Wood, and Adams open (if possible)

Most major intersections cleared for traffic.

Sunday, August 25

11:59 p.m. - All areas open & 75% of assets cleared off curbs

Monday, August 26

11:59 p.m. - All assets removed, reopen complete.

Mark Rivera Image
Aug 22, 2024, 1:24 AM GMT

Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters march on DNC

Thousands marched on the Democratic National Convention Wednesday night.

Several groups were involved in an unpermitted but predominantly peaceful pro-Palestinian rally, which started at Union Park.

It was organized by the Chicago Coalition for Justice in Palestine.

The loud and spirited march stepped off shortly before 6 p.m. along a designated route.

The group planned to travel to Park 578 near the United Center, where the DNC is taking place, but was turned away.

The protesters eventually returned to Union Park.

There was a heavy Chicago police presence throughout.

There were a few moments of tension, including a couple of firecrackers thrown at officers.

At least two people appeared to almost be detained before being released again by police.

Protesters are calling for an end to the war in Gaza and for the U.S. to stop sending military aid to Israel.

ByWill Steakin and Katherine Faulders
Aug 22, 2024, 12:43 AM GMT

Oprah Winfrey to speak at DNC tonight: Sources

Oprah Winfrey will be on stage at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday night, multiple sources familiar with the program confirmed to ABC News.

CNN first reported the development.

WLS logo
Aug 21, 2024, 11:24 PM GMT

Pro-Palestinian protesters on the move near United Center

The group of pro-Palestinian protesters who gathered in Union Park are now on the move.

They began marching shortly before 6 p.m., following the route designed by CPD for protests between Union Park and Park 578. It's the same route used by protesters Monday, but unlike that rally, this protest does not have permits for marching or to be in Park 578, police said.

There is a large police presence along the route and with the protesters. There are also rolling street closures in the area.

Rob Hughes Image
Aug 21, 2024, 10:48 PM GMT

Union Park rally expected to march toward United Center

Several groups are involved in an unpermitted pro-Palestinian rally Wednesday afternoon, starting at Union Park.

It's being organized by the Chicago Coalition for Justice in Palestine.

A march is also expected to Park 578 near the United Center, where the DNC is taking place.

On Monday, some protesters breached an outer perimeter fence near the DNC.

As of about 4 p.m., several hundred had gathered peacefully in the area, as speeches were heard.

A Union Park protest is expected to march toward the DNC Wednesday.

They're calling for an end to the war in Gaza and for the U.S. to stop sending military aid to Israel.

One organizer Wednesday said they do not expect any violence.

"Our whole point is to end hate and end violence, and anyone who's coming with intention to do that is not part of us. We are here peacefully protesting; we've been doing it for 10 months, and we've been doing it for years. We don't stand for that," said Amira Daoud, with American Muslims for Palestine.

The Chicago Jewish Alliance is expected to share their message at Park 578 Wednesday afternoon, as well.

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