Zamboni catches fire inside DelCo rink

Aston, Pa. - December 1, 2007 A zamboni caught fire during intermission of skating at the Ice Works in Aston.

The fire badly damaged the zamboni. Thick smoke filled the facilty, which houses four rinks, a restaurant, banquet rooms, a pro shop, and an arcade.

Firefighters rushed to the scene to evacuate the people inside. Many of the people evacuated were high school students. No injuries were reported by officials at the scene.

The Ice Works can hold up to 1000 people, but it is unclear how many patrons were inside at the time the fire started.

Sean Joyce, a captain with the Green Ridge Fire Department, said the zamboni was running on propane at the time of the fire. He said the propane tanks and a hydraulic fuel leak on the ice made the call more dangerous.

"We had the fire, a hazmat spill, and to evacuate the building all at once," Joyce told Action News. "Usually ice will take care of it (the fire), but not here tonight."

Investigators have not determined what caused the fire.

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