Woman captures alleged theft on video

December 17, 2009 (CHICAGO) Mary Nichols says she caught the theft on videotape and police tell her there have been dozens of similar cases in the past two weeks.

A security camera set up in the lobby of the building clearly shows a delivery person entering the front door of the building on Wednesday afternoon.

Fedex tells Nichols and Aaron Finley they delivered the Dell computer he was waiting for at about 4:30 p.m. But the computer never made it inside their unit.

"You can see someone come in and run off with your package. It's very scary to see somebody punch a code and get into your building that easily," said Nichols.

Nichols says she was home at the time but she says no one ever knocked on the door to say they were leaving a package outside.

Finley was tracking the delivery, however, so when they checked the hallway and found nothing there, they eventually they checked the security tapes.

The videotape shows a man walking up to the front door, apparently referring to a message on his phone and then punching in an access code to open the front door. Less than a minute later, the video shows the man leaving the building with the package under his arm, then running down the street.

"It's just hard to prevent something like that…you think a secure building," said Finely.

Finley filed a police report, called Fedex, and asked around in his building. But so far no one has a line on who the person is and how he got an access code to the building that he says not even residents have.

"It's frustrating that somebody would do that and frustrating that you have it on camera and you want somebody to help find whoever did it," said Finley.

A spokesperson for Fedex told ABC7 in a statement, "the recipient of this shipment authorized Fedex to leave the package at the door. We have reviewed this tape and we will have the matter investigated."

Police say they also have a report and have started an investigation. Nichols says an officer told her there have been a number of similar robberies in the Bucktown neighborhood recently. A spokesperson ABC7 talked with could not confirm that.

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