Oprah to sell shoes, bags in online auction

February 24, 2010 (CHICAGO)

Oprah Winfrey is auctioning 150 items on eBay. The money will go toward Winfrey's school in South Africa.

Oprah loves shoes-- and there will be plenty to choose in the size 10 range from Prada and Jimmy Choo to Ralph Lauren. The Olympic Chicago 2016 delegate jacket she wore to Copenhagen is up for bid. And, there will also be designer purses.

"Bags are really great. For a while Oprah was collecting a lot of small bags, really beautiful bags. Here we have Bottega Veneta, from Chanel. A lot of people give Oprah things they make but she's really come to the conclusion small bags don't work for her anymore because she carries a big tote. She loves stylish shoes because on the show she actually just carries them onto the set," said Adam Glasman, creative director, "O" Magazine.

Mark your calendars: The auction starts March 1st and runs through March 11th on eBay.

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