Gardening Tips

April 20, 2010 there are great repellents that are based on odors and tastes that repel all these animals. The newest ones smell like cinnamon and mint, so they will not repel the humans that re using them. (I'll send the details, names and prices later today.)

2. "Starting seeds inside now will give you plants to set out 2 weeks after the Frost Free Date" - May 15th is the official Chicago date - if you haven't started tomatoes, peppers or squash, it is not too late. We can show the details of the seed packets and the simple and easy to use seed trays with the soil tabs that expand with water -AND now the trays are Earth-Friendly with biodegradeable trays.

3. "Earth Friendly Gardening practices and products" (to coincide with Earth Day) - there are new products that are made with naturally occuring elements like sulfur and naturally derived chemicals like pyrethrins (from daisy plants) that break down after 1 hour in the sun, so there is no residue left in the environment. Earth-tone 3N1 Disease and Insect control is my favorite. There is an orchard spray in a hose end sprayer that is made from the same formula. (It sprays 25 feet!!!) NOW IS THE TIME TO SPRAY to protect the fruit trees from the fungal diseases.

4. "What is safe to plant this early?" - I attached photos and I'll send the list of the plants later. It looks gorgeous! You will love it and so will the viewers.

Chalet Nursery
3132 Lake Ave.


5:17AM – Repellents for animal control:

New line based on the Eugenol family oils -Rabbit and Ground-Hog Rid, Critter Rid and Deer Rid
Plantskydd granular form based on animal blood meal
Bobbex-R and Bobbex-D, based on fish waste industry bi-products
Liquid Fence, based on egg whites

5:37AM – Seed starting, it is not too late

Burpee bio-degradable seed tray with humidity dome and hydrating planting cells

5:47AM – Earth Friendly Natural pesticides:

Espoma Earth-Tone 3n1 Disease (and Insect) Control Spray
Espoma Earth-Tone Insect Control Spray
Espoma Earth-Tone 4n1 Weed Control

6:27AM – Now is the time to spray to control plant diseases like black spot on roses, stem rot on peonies and apple scab leaf spot on crabapples:

· Spectracide brand Immunox (systemic)
· Bonide brand Infuse (systemic)
· Espoma Earth-Tone 3n1 Disease Control (contact)
· Concern Copper Soap Fungicide
· Copper Sulfate spray

6:47AM – Plants that are safe to plant now (before the frost free date)

Hellebore 'Ivory Prince' – Lenten Rose (perennial)
Heuchera 'Citronelle' – Coral Bells (perennial)
Dicentra spectabellis 'Alba' – White Bleeding Hearts (perennial)
Primulus – Primrose (perennial)
Annual pansies
Annual Persian Buttercup
Annual Lobularia (Allyssum) 'Snow Princess'
Annual English Daisy

6:58AM – Facebook Q & A

Creeping Charlie control – Spurge Power, concentrate or hose-end sprayer; Bayer All –Season Weed Control for Lawns; Bonide Weed Beater Plus
Pruning Lilacs – "Rule of 3" – prune down 1/3 in height, remove 1/3 of the stems and do this once every 3 years to prevent the plant from going into stress.
To protect plants that are already planted from frost – cover with cardboard box or a sheet spread wide over the planting bed to trap the warmer soil temperatures near the plants; or spray with the new Liquid Fence Freeze Pruf 8 to 12 hours before freezing temperatures

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