Chocolate Tart Dough:
Bittersweet Chocolate 4 oz
Walnuts, finely chopped 6 oz
Sugar 2 oz
Egg whites 2 oz
Salt pinch
Cranberry-Apple Jam:
Cranberries 12 oz
Sugar 7 oz
Apples (preferable a tart, crisp variety, peeled and sliced) 5 oz
For Chocolate-Walnut Tart Shell:
1) Melt chocolate gently on top of a double boiler.
2) Combine sugar, egg whites and salt. Whisk thoroughly to completely disperse sugar and break down proteins in egg whites.
3) Whisk melted chocolate into egg white mixture.
4) Fold chopped walnuts into chocolate-egg white mixture.
5) Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate until firm, about 30 minutes.
6) Press evenly into 9-inch tart pan with removable bottom.
7) Bake at 375F for 25 minutes, until completely set.
For Cranberry-Apple Jam:
1) Combine sugar and water in a saucepan over medium-high heat . Bring to a boil.
2) Add cranberries and cook until they begin to pop and thicken.
3) While cooking cranberries, peel and slice apples.
4) Add sliced apples to cranberries after removing cranberry jam from heat; the residual heat will complete the cooking process.
5) Pour into fully baked chocolate shell (above) and chill thoroughly.
6) Slice tart into 12 pieces.