Did shifting stars change your zodiac sign?

LOS ANGELES, CA A new report from the Minnesota Planetarium Society suggests that the moon's gravitational pull on the earth has created a one-month bump in the star's alignment and that could mean a change in your astrological sign.


Alejandro Rivera says he's a Taurus but according to the report, he's now an Aries.

"I'm actually going to be stubborn like a Taurus and not accept this whole situation," said Rivera, a Los Angeles resident.

Adding to the confusion, the shifting of the earth's axis has supposedly reintroduced a sign discarded by the ancient Babylonians when they first determined the dates of the zodiac. That sign is Ophiuchus, the serpent tamer, and it falls between Scorpio and Sagittarius.

"It's not like it's something new. Anybody 50 years ago or 100 years ago or yesterday for that matter could have and would have known that the stars and the signs don't match up," said Dr. Ed Krupp, an astronomer at the Griffith Observatory.

Like most in his field, Krupp believes astrology is a questionable science.

"All of these things that people are talking about are really just the results of arbitrary ways of partitioning the sky, and they have absolutely nothing to do with any influence of the sky or anything with respect to human personality," Krupp said.

However, the report out of Minnesota has caused an outcry in social media with the term "Ophiuchus" becoming one of the trending topics of the day.

"There's nothing really fundamental about this at all. It's simply what people choose to believe in the moment," said Krupp.

Here's a list of the 'New' dates. See if your Zodiac sign changed:

Capricorn: Jan. 20 - Feb. 16
Aquarius: Feb. 16 - March 11
Pisces: March 11 - April 18
Aries: April 18 - May 13
Taurus: May 13 - June 21
Gemini: June 21 - July 20
Cancer: July 20 - Aug. 10
Leo: Aug. 10 - Sept. 16
Virgo: Sept. 16 - Oct. 30
Libra: Oct. 30 - Nov. 23
Scorpio: Nov. 23 - Nov. 29
Ophiuchus: Nov. 29 - Dec. 17
Sagittarius: Dec. 17 - Jan. 20

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