Readers will discover how to cut shedding up to 90 percent, tips on getting rid of stubborn pet stains and how to solve the age-old problem of the post bath "shake." There's even a strategy to increase a dog's life span up to 30 percent. (That's two full years longer!) Helpful tips and tricks reveal how to use food puzzles to stave off weight gain and an easy method to turn pill time into treat time. In these cost-conscious days, Dr. Becker explains a weekly measure that can cut veterinarian bills in half. He guides the family through selecting the right dog for their lifestyle and describes how to protect the human family from doggy diseases. This breakthrough guidebook employs strategies that not only add to the quality of life for man's best friend, but for the dog lover as well.
'Your Dog: The Owner's Manual'
May 12, 2011
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