Community leaders call for policy against gun violence

June 16, 2012 (CHICAGO)

The Rainbow PUSH Coalition organized the event. The group assembled in front of Chuck's Gun Shop in Riverdale.

The Revered Jesse Jackson says as many as half of the murders committed in the city over the past ten years involved murder weapons sold by the gun shop.

"We must have a new national policy, a comprehensive policy: stop guns from flowing in and stop jobs from flowing out," Jackson said.

"We've asked to title guns like cars so when someone walks into the gun shop and buy 200 guns and sells them on the street he has to transfer title," said Fr. Michael Pfleger. "That's all we want is make people responsible."

Calls to Chuck's Gun Shop for comment were not returned.

There were similar marches and rallies held in more than 20 other American cities Saturday, as well.

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