Investigation continues on human remains discovery

October 5, 2013 (CHICAGO)

The medical examiner is ruling the death a homicide.

This is in the 8300 block of South Scottsdale, that's near Cicero.

Police remained at the scene for a second full day after the gruesome discovery. Police have had very little to say about the ongoing death investigation and it's the lack of details that have had neighborhood residents on edge.

Police continued to gather evidence Saturday afternoon from the back yard of a Southwest Side home where a man was found dead and possibly dismembered.

"That's stuff you see in the movies, that's stuff you see in Goodfellas or on mob shows or back in Al Capone days," said neighborhood resident Steve Burns.

Burns is one of several horrified residents in the Scottsdale neighborhood watching as officers, some dressed in protective gear, continued their death investigation at the one-story brick house in the 8300 block of South Scottsdale Avenue.

"It's crazy," said neighborhood resident Danielle Beiriger. "My garden is right next to their yard. It's unbelievable."

Neighbors say authorities descended on the home in question Friday morning.

Since then, rumors have circulated through the neighborhood about exactly what police found.

Some residents even reported a foul smell in the area after forensics teams began digging in the home's back yard.

"I was shocked, very shocked," Beiriger said. "I was scared. I can't believe it."

Neighbors say the family that lives in the home includes a man, woman and a child who kept to themselves.

"Neighbors across the street were quiet, kept to themselves," said neighborhood resident Dave Weller. "I talked to him a few times back and forth going to work coming from work and that was about it."

Police officials have refused comment about the gruesome discovery as the neighborhood remains on edge.

"Chopping up and burying backyard stuff that's Dahmer, Gacey kind of stuff," Burns said.

The Cook County Medical Examiner was scheduled to perform an autopsy on the remains, but they have not released a cause of death.

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