Gov. Quinn dismissed the poll, which has Republican Bill Brady in the lead by more than 11 percentage points, on Thursday morning. He predicted the lead would not hold up until the election.
"The issues, they'll come out and I think the voters will see it my way when they come to vote. November 2nd is the election, not today," said Quinn.
At the end of April, Rasmussen had Brady ahead of Quinn, 45-percent to 38-percent. The survey Monday of this week reported Brady increased his support while democrat Quinn's had fallen. The poll has a 4.5% margin of error.
"When we travel around the state, people are fed up," said Sen. Bill Brady, (R) Candidate for Governor.
In May, the Brady campaign aired television ads to introduce the downstate senator to Chicago area voters. And since last weekend, the Republican Governor's Association bought time to criticize Quinn and link the current governor to his impeached predecessor Rod Blagojevich, whose corruption trial is underway.
"Pat Quinn is going to have to address these facts on what this administration, the Blagojevich Quinn administration has done the last nine years, you can't run from this," said Pat Brady, IL Republican chairman.
Quinn said Illinois voters are not fooled by the republican ad blitz.
"Our side is the side that's for jobs and economic recovery. Senator Brady supported the policies that got us into the situation that we're in," said Quinn.
According to Rasmussen, support is moving in Brady's direction. Quinn did not say when his campaign would begin its ad blitz and attempt to reverse the trend.