Hero police dog 'Bruno' recovering after taking bullet in Los Angeles

March 28, 2014 (LOS ANGELES)

Bruno and Officer Young were chasing down a suspect in a shooting when Bruno was hit by the bullet.

"The bond is unexplainable. Seeing him the way he is, it kills me," Officer Young said. "It was a horrific thing to have to watch. . . My entire world came crumbling down in the matter of a second."

Despite bleeding profusely, Bruno returned to his partner's side after being shot.

"He never made a sound. Saving his life was team effort, for sure," Officer Young said.

Police cars escorted the dog to the vet, where the sable German Shepard underwent surgery. Officer Young brought the dog one his baby's blankets to keep him comfortable.

The bullet was removed from the lung. Now Bruno's recovering from a shattered jaw.

Bruno, 7, is a 6-year-old veteran of the Los Angeles Police Department. Officer Young and his wife, Rachel, plan to adopt Bruno if the department decides to retire him from the force.

"I know a lot of people may not understand. They may say, 'It's just a dog.' But this dog went with him everywhere. The dog spends more time with him than I spend with him," Rachel said.

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