Riverside boy praised for his honesty, turned in $300

April 5, 2012 (RIVERSIDE, Ill.)

A lot of cash.

Eight-year-old Charles Vacek says it is all a bit overwhelming.

"I've never really gotten so much attention," Charles said. "And like it's kind of embarrassing."

Charles was walking to school Tuesday morning when he found an envelope on the ground containing $300.

"I was like really surprised. I wasn't expecting so much money just lying there," said Charles.

The Riverside third grader could have pocketed the cash, but instead he gave it to his principal at Ames Elementary School.

"I think, with all of this, he will always remember to do the right thing," said mother Marta Vacek.

Charles and his mom told the whole story to Riverside Police, who are now trying to find the money's rightful owner.

He showed a good sign of character that day and good moral judgment, and he did the right thing that afternoon," said Riverside Police Officer Fabian Navarro. .

"I had to shake his hand. I thought it was quite the thing," said Riverside Police Sergeant William Gutschick,

If no one comes forward after six months, police say Charles gets to keep the $300. But that is not what he is hoping for.

"I don't want someone to be sad because they lost so much money," said Charles. "It's a lot of money."

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